How to access Morgana Bevan's books from local libraries

How to access Morgana Bevan's books from local libraries

Being available to libraries is one of the major reasons you will never find my books in Kindle Unlimited.

Yes, never is a strong word for me to use. I wish I could predict the future, but I can't. That doesn't change my feelings about any retailer requiring exclusivity from me, however. 

Where are Morgana Bevan's books available?

As ebooks, all of my books have been made available to:

As paperbacks, they are also available via Ingram and Gardners. 

If you're a reader, don't worry if most of that doesn't make sense. Only Hoopla, Borrowbox and Libby are reader-facing platforms. Your library will have its preferred suppliers of books. 

But I can't find X book in my library and we have Y platform.

There can be many reasons for this, most of them out of my control. 

1) Your library hasn't purchased the book for their collection.

Even if your library has Libby, Borrowbox or Hoopla, my books will only appear if they have purchased a copy. 

Solution: Talk to your local librarian and ask if they can purchase the book in your preferred format. (see below for more on requesting books)

2) The platform is slow (and I mean slooooow) at ingesting new books.

Hoopla is notoriously slow at loading new books and years behind when it comes to indie books. 

Most of my books are in the pending publishing process with them and have been since their release day. You can currently find Married Blind, Defying Ella, Needing Emily, Charming Daphne (with an outdated cover), Acting Counsel and Braving Lily on the platform.

Solution: You can contact Hoopla directly if you need to or ask your librarian to reach out to them. Who knows, it might give them a push to load the rest of my books faster.

3) Your library purchases their books via a platform I haven't heard of. 

I'm fairly sure I've ticked all the boxes I need to to push my books as wide as they can be but there's always a chance of one slipping through the cracks. 

Solution: Ask your librarian which platform they need the books on. If you provide this information to your library and they give you the name of a different network where my books are currently unavailable, feel free to email me and I’ll investigate how I can get my books there.

How do I request a book from my library?


This answer depends on your library and the platform they use for digital books. 

Libby (Overdrive)

  1. Log in to your library’s Libby site. Use your library card number and pin.
  2. Search for the book by title.
  3. Add titles you can recommend.
  4. Hover over the cover, Recommend
  5. You can choose either to be notified or to be placed on hold & enter your email addy.
  6. Recommend this title.


This may change depending on your library or county but my local library can't order from Borrowbox. It's all handled by the person in charge of libraries for the entire county. My library gave me her email address and then I was able to email her a list of titles and authors I wanted to see on Borrowbox.

Your system may allow your librarian to order the book. If your librarians are like mine were originally, they have no idea how to do it and that's okay. Ask them for the contact for the county and go from there. 

Hoopla & Bibliotheca

I'm unsure what the behind-the-scenes requesting process for these platforms looks like. My local library doesn't use them. The best thing to do is talk to your librarian and ask if there's a method you should use going forward. 


This answer is the same as the ones above. You guessed it, talk to your librarian. Or if you're not a talker, check their website for a request form, or find an email address and email them your requests.

Now, it won't be instant. It does take time to purchase or get a book in from another library in the county, state or country. 

Yes, I said country. My local library have been known to loan books from other libraries within the UK for me. I've requested books and forgotten I did it until six months later the library calls me to say I have a book in. Then I log into my account, scratching my head trying to remember what book that was. 

My library won't order books / doesn't have the budget / is too conservative to feed my smut habit / [insert reason here]?

Thankfully there are libraries that allow you to join when you don't live in their area. I'm in a position that allows me to have a library card for my local library that only has Borrowbox but also Cardiff Library that has Libby. 

If you're American, I'm going to direct you to this handy blog post from Everyday Reading that lists all the options for Non-Resident Library cards. 


Are you a librarian interested in my catalogue?

Hi! Welcome to my little corner of the romance world.

I'd love to chat about how we can work together (whether it be virtual library events, webinars for your patrons on how to publish, increased formats such as large print and hardbacks), so feel free to reach out to me:

I'm slowly putting together one sheets for each of my books. Here are the ones, I have so far:

Kings of Screen Series

Between Takes

Married Blind

Acting Counsel

Fashionably Fake

True Platinum Series

Chasing Alys

Winning Nia

Enticing Mel

Defying Ella

Braving Lily

Daring Ceri

Marrying Olivia

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Morgana Bevan British celebrity romance author

Meet Morgana

Morgana Bevan is a sucker for a rock star romance, particularly if it involves a soul-destroying breakup or strangers waking up in Vegas. She’s a contemporary romance author based in Wales. When Morgana’s not writing steamy celebrity romances with gorgeous British rock stars and movie stars, she’s travelling the world, searching for inspiration.

She enjoys travelling, attending gigs, and trying out the extreme activities she forces on her characters